Sunday, May 18, 2008

"You should have a blog"

   This remark was made to me yesterday at the first Market of the season.  "I have a blog" I responded, "only it's horribly outdated."  So I've decided to create a brand new blog.  One that I hope to keep exciting and current and full of bloggity goodness.  So here we go...
   I'm really not fond of the winter and this past winter was especially cold and snowy but the best thing it had going for it; it went by really fast!  I can't believe that it's May and that the trees are almost full and that there's flowers everywhere and how green everything is!  It's as though my eyes are still having trouble adjusting to the color after so much white.  I'm in sensory overload and its grand!  
   This feeling was experienced at its fullest for me yesterday, at the first Artist Market.  I got to reunite with old friends and see all of the wonderful art that they have been busy creating all winter.  I got to gorge on yummy market food, including a root beer float!  
   I saw kids and dogs and smelled basil plants and flowering trees and witnessed the smiling faces that were also taking in all of these amazing things.  It's graduation weekend and there was a kid's day parade and I think it was the most crowded I've ever seen this scene!   So many friends and loyal customers stopped by, and it was just the best day.   
   I enjoyed showing many of my new designs (like the earrings shown above) and introducing my jewelry to new faces.  I also realized how much work I need to make!  Between the Market and a lovely Trunk Show that my friend Jamie hosted the night before and my Etsy shop, I'm quite low on work.  So, I should probably stop writing and get to it.  More soon though... I promise!

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