Sunday, June 1, 2008

What a magnificent year for lilacs!  Never have I smelled such perfectly perfumed air.  Walking outside I felt like I was in a commercial for lilac-scented...lilacs.  They surround the yard in a wall of purple and pink and you can hear the buzzing of bees and hum of hummingbirds and everything seems so alive and living!  As you can imagine, it was a hard to leave (I'm in Milwaukee with Celie, teaching at the Bead and Button Show).  So before I left, I took in a sharp inhale, trying to breathe it all in because when we get back, they will be gone.  Its a sight and smell I'll never forget and always cherish.                                                                     
It was also oh-so hard to leave my little Kiwi.  In this pic she was sunning herself and watching me outside take the lilac photos.  She's happy though, she's with Celie's dogs and their doggie relatives staying with friends in Boston.  I have so many photos of her, I might just add a 'Kiwi Gallery' to my website.  Okay, I can't write any more about her or I'll turn to a weeping pile of mush.  I'll write about the Bead and Button Show soon.   Happy June! 

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