Monday, September 22, 2008

And then it was Fall

When did this happen?  I do have to say, this might be the first fall that I'm okay with, even a little excited about.  I usually dread this season as it is the messenger that whispers winter's on its way.  After so much heat and humidity though, the crisp air and lack of bugs is quite welcome. The changing landscape isn't bad either. 
Saturday was a frigid but fun day at the market.  I embraced the day decadently with raspberry hot chocolate topped with fresh whipped cream.  The response to my new bronze and silver Modern Relics has been wonderful.  I just made this pair of bronze earrings and they sold seconds after I put them out, luckily I remembered to snap a photo of them.  I can't believe I only have a few markets left.  I'm already filling my holiday schedule up with craft shows and trunk shows.  AH!

This photo is from a few weeks ago but I forgot to post it then.  Fall pics coming soon...

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