Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Last Market of the Season

So last Saturday was my last market day, it was bittersweet and bitter COLD.  Most of the day lingered in the 40ºs, just too cold to stand outside all day.  It's so sad when the market season ends but it also means my schedule eases up a bit which is quite welcome.  The rest of the weekend was friend filled and fun!  Now I have a little break before the holiday shows.  As I write this, it is SNOWING outside.  It's not sticking but it is still a shock to see the whirling white outside my window.  I'm not ready for this. Fall feels like the firework finale of summer, very intense and it's over way too soon. Now I'm working on a few special orders, my fall catalog, and more Modern Relic silver and bronze pieces.  

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