Friday, January 29, 2010

Onward and upward and forward and now...

Now is the time of organization, with the new year comes a fresh start and, for me, a great sense of motivation. I want to grow, I want to make things more efficient, I want to be more productive while following the notion "work smarter not harder". I want to breathe in all the good, live in the moment and go with the flow...
Winters can be hard... so cold and so dark but they also make for a quiet time to get things done. In my first effort to get more organized I changed up my website a bit. I like having a "Current Work" section to show the kinds of pieces I make (but which aren't always available in my Etsy shop). The gallery of photos was getting longer and longer and there was no rhyme or reason to their placement. So, I created a gallery of galleries and moved all of that work (and more) into collections.
What a difference it makes - to me at least! As a visual learner, it's so nice to see it that way and even to just have it as a reference catalog for myself. One little step for my website but one large step for my sense of progress!
The holiday shows left me with not much jewelry so I'm busy making some work for my Etsy shop and for Trinket in time for Valentine's Day. Then back to working out the quirks...
Happy organizing!

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