I've been working in copper clay. Here are a couple of pairs of earrings made with it, the color is so rich, I'm calling it 'Rusty Rose'. Just perfect for spring!
I'm also taking some of my Modern Relics pieces in a new direction, hiding herkimer diamonds in their open spaces. The herkimers move around, adding noise and flickers of light. These are just the first two rings of the series...
I would write more but I have to go out and enjoy this beautiful day. Happy Saturday! Happy Spring
I'm also taking some of my Modern Relics pieces in a new direction, hiding herkimer diamonds in their open spaces. The herkimers move around, adding noise and flickers of light. These are just the first two rings of the series...
I would write more but I have to go out and enjoy this beautiful day. Happy Saturday! Happy Spring
Jen, I really like the pieces with the diamonds. I'm not familiar with herkimer diamonds. Are they man-made? Really nice work!