Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My new line: Botany

   I majored in Art and English at UVM. I did really well in my art and English classes, not so well with my general requirements, one of which was Botany. It was a very long, very early morning class with over 100 students, often with the lights low or off to see slides. This was more the recipe for napping then learning. I did do well in my labs, mostly because we had to draw plants, cell walls, mitochondria! That was fun.
    I've been toying with this idea for awhile now. I have so many friends in the herbal arts and herbalism is so interesting to me. Mother nature provides many wonders in the form of healing plants. Like many Vermonters, I turn to herbal remedies before anything else. My personal herbalist/amazing friend Kori Gelinas keeps me well stocked with herbal teas, oils and products. 
  A sweet customer/friend of mine recently gave me Rosemary Gladstar's beautiful book: Medicinal Herbs. Thanks Jane! It's really the gift that keeps on giving. How lovely it has been to gain more knowledge of herbs. I've so enjoyed the lush photos of these plants at their peaks, all of the green and brilliant color during these cold and gray winter months.
   I wanted a way to connect my jewelry to my love of herbs. So I've created 5 simple pendants to start and I will grow the line as interest grows. In trying to come up with a name for this new line, I had many ideas but they all seemed too long. Then it hit me, simply Botany. An umbrella word that well encompasses herbs, plants, nature, medicine.
I drew these plants in the styles of a botanical studies. I chose some of my favorite medicinal herbs to start:

Dandelion - This thriving plant aids in digestion and liver health.
Echinacea - As we all know, this is a go to herb for easing cold symptoms. It also helps provide general relief to your immune system.
Elderberry - Another immune enhancing plant and they taste amazing!

Lavender - Just the scent is calming. When applied to cuts and bruises it functions as an antiseptic and eases pain.
Chamomile - Can help treat more than 100 separate ailments and conditions. It is gentle but effective and provides wonderful support for the nervous and digestive systems.
These pendants are in my Etsy shop for pre-order, I will have them in sterling or brass on cord or chain. They will be ready in mid April. I hope they are well received by the herbal community! Which one's your favorite?


  1. These are beautiful! I love dandelion and elder the best--but they're all fantastic. I guarantee the herbies will eat them up!!

    Thanks for creating loveliness!

    -Larken, Montpelier

  2. I love them all!!

    Where can we buy them before they are all gone:)

    Great Idea!

    Ariel's Honey Infusions

  3. Thanks Larken and Ariel!
    These are now available for PRE-ORDER in my Etsy shop:
