Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Instagram Contest!

I've been meaning to do another contest and I wanted to come up with one that didn't require owning any of my work to enter. I've also been trying to come up with some new words to say about my work. These two things have formed together to create this Instagram contest.
It could be a photo of you in my jewelry with the quote written in the negative space or a photo of a piece or pieces you own with the quote overlaid. It could also be as easy as writing something on a post it (good penmanship helps!) or creating an image with funky fonts in Photoshop or an app... 
I'd love to know how my jewelry makes you feel. I'd love to hear a snippet of a story. That's all. The image with the most likes will win (so tell your friends!) as well as 2 of my top favorite images. Each winner will win $75 in credit for my Etsy shop. 
So excited to see and hear what people come up with!