Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring is springing!

This is my favorite time of year.  The snow is receding, revealing new ground every day. Buds are emerging, birds are chirping, the days are longer, my world is habitable again and I can be outside in it.  
I've been working in copper clay.  Here are a couple of pairs of earrings made with it, the color is so rich, I'm calling it 'Rusty Rose'.  Just perfect for spring!
I'm also taking some of my Modern Relics pieces in a new direction, hiding herkimer diamonds in their open spaces. The herkimers move around, adding noise and flickers of light. These are just the first two rings of the series...

I would write more but I have to go out and enjoy this beautiful day. Happy Saturday! Happy Spring

Monday, March 2, 2009


Friday I dropped off a second batch of work to Trinket (32 1/2 Church St) in Burlington. This was the first time I'd seen the place in all of its splendor.
It has such a lovely feel - like a gallery of accessories. White shadow box frames house jewelry on a chalkboard painted wall. Notes and info about the pieces or the artists that made them are lovingly written on that wall.
At this time, my work is featured in one of the top frames on that wall.  I took this photo before they added my new work so there's more now!
The back wall has shelving made up of chairs that are mounted in the wall - so cool!
I enjoy selling my work myself, through my Etsy shop and at the Artist Market but I'm very pleased to have my work in this great new shop. I feel very well represented by Rachel and her wonderful staff.  So support local artists and local businesses and check out Trinket, you'll love it!