I can't believe it! I've been writing this blog for a year now. I realized this as I was taking photos of the lilacs outside and feeling a powerful sense of déjà vu. Wow that year went by fast! It seems I have less and less time and try as I might, I'm just not posting enough on here. I hope to change that though as I really value stretching my writing muscle and reflecting on the happenings that...happen.
One of the reasons I've been so busy was gearing up for the Artist Market that started again in mid-May. With the Market comes photos of puppies! I can't resist, so here is the first market pic: It was taken in front of Moe's colorful table cloth. Speaking of Moe, I'm loving her stuff! I've recently purchased a casette wallet, a journal and baby bibs from her, all great gifts and all made from discarded things. Check out her stuff!
And then there are the lilacs which were simply brilliant this year. They kindly came in 2 weeks early so we were able to enjoy them before running off to Bead and Button.
The luscious lavendar blooms lined the stone path, I had to take the obligatory 'old truck' photo. This is the view from my window. Nothing quite like the smell of lilacs pouring through it, such a treat! I'm writing this from Milwaukee, at the Bead and Button Show which I'll be writing about shortly...